All – noch lange nicht am Ende, schallt’s

3. Mai 2020 von Paul Dorn

Photo von Jackie Haynes

Hello Picwatchers.
Here you see a moment of the Allschall-performance in Dortmund,
part of the „Dada-Fair 2020“.
It was inspired by the Muppet-Show „Pigs in space“
and „Pigs on the wing“ by Pink Floyd.
The prosthesis (not the synthesis) of both is Allschall.
Pigwatchers, hi!
You see a lot of quantum loops.
Besides, the work is dedicated to Schwitters, because
he did nice works, spicy ’n‘ spacey.
It’s also dedicated to Frau Rabe, also performing, but
outside of the image. Kattke is also out of the image;
– what an incomplete picture! – she’s the only scientist,
who’s allowed to interprete Allschall and my works and
Eddie Feldmann (on the radio) has a permission.
Ask them for further informations.
The other performers by the way are Brum and Ka/Ti.
